Hello Parents & Students!
Just an update to the parents of students who are currently working towards their AMEB video exams.
The process is the same as the last 2 times. (Oct/Nov 2020 & May/Jun 2021)
(The above picture is taken from the AMEB website)
So it will be taken as a student by student case, and when the students are ready for October, a discussion between parents and students will take place so we are all on the same page and will have perfected the performances to get the best score possible.
Therefore, we all need to work hard on this as I don't know what will happen for May/June 2022 yet.
Here are some important dates to jot down or make note of for June exams:
11th October 2021 - exam fees are due and will be sent off at 3pm.
12th October 2021 - 31st October - recording sessions.
1st November 2021 - recordings will be sent off at 3pm.
For some of you returning after COVID these exams are different the only thing the AMEB are asking are songs, how many songs depending on your grade we need to do. The songs are then video recorded, during the students lesson by me with my equipment and will need to be recorded in 1 take along with a script to tell the examiner what the song and composers are, I may need extra parental information, so the AMEB can confirm the students are who they are! (Don't worry that confuses me too!) once recorded I will need to upload it onto YouTube as "UNLISTED" this is to protect the students identity and any copyright infringement, with the link going directly to the AMEB.
A copy of the recording can be sent to the students personal Skype account and a link will also be sent to parents as a memorabilia, after the results are emailed through, I will be in contact with parents in what they wish to do with "unlisted" YouTube examination.
These are the number of songs needed for the piano (hard course) exams.
These are the number of songs needed piano for leisure course (easy course) exams.
When will exams resume back at Clarence Street (Face to Face)? I am not sure at this point, though I must admit students are loving not having to do their scales for their exams and all are working hard towards their songs!
This page will be updated when necessary or updates from the AMEB.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!​​