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March Newsletter
Hello Parents and Students, how are you all?
Hope you all have been keeping safe and well over the past few days during these horrible floods and rains.
May the rain let up soon and we get some sunshine, alot of lawns need mowing!
A few messages for this month....
The Calendar Section on the Website now has an "Important Dates" which covers Term starts and finishes and also and public holiday and closures of the studio (each studio has one in their E-Logs)
I will also be sending out 2 messages out on Friday (11th March) regarding school holiday lessons, rescheduling missed lessons, Studio Closure and Term 2 invoices.
During this time until end of June, exam students will be participating for their AMEB exams, I would like to see any students who haven't attempted over the past 2 years due to lockdowns/stop - starting lessons to complete them, so we can finally close that chapter and move on. AMEB exams for this year will be again done by video, dates of last day of payment and last day of videos to be sent in are in the "important dates" section in the 2022 Calendar. I will discuss with parents and students individually when to enrol.
Congrats to those who have already finished their exams and All The Best to those already in Rehearsal Mode!
I am aso happy to annouce a new service I will be providing, very much inspired during lockdown/online lessons is PIANO TUNING!!!
So, anyone has a piano that is in need of tuning, I will be able to do tune pianos from 20th March 2022 onwards.
I have been studying how to and excited to put my skills to the test! More information closer to the date.
I am also happy to announce from next week, to be introducing a new program for students using the popular APP "SIMPLY PIANO" to encourage students to learn songs they enjoy whilst learning, a few students have brought their devices and wanted to learn a song off the APP and really worked out well, students were engaged and focused and learnt their notes better and used their musical ear, as they wre familiar with the songs they liked.
Finally, from Monday I will be sending out to parents their contact information I already have and if their need to be an update if parents could do so, more importantly to the older students who are 13 and up, if parents are busy (including myself) for students to keep me through SKYPE information that may affect their lesson time or any changes - it is an excellent experience for students to be responsibe & to communicate.
So we can keep the "Parent - Student - Teacher" communication in tact and we are ALL on the same page.
I need to make sure ALL students, parents including myself schedules and lessons are organised and the studio can run smoothly.
Keep well and stay safe!
Love the music, Feel the Sound at Ivory & Strings Music Studio
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