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November Newsletter

Hello Parents & Students!


I deeply apologise for such a long distance between the last newsletter and to this one (June was the last newsletter) the reason being was dad has been unwell since our last newsletter and have been stepping up to help my parents alot more with chores and medical appointments, over that time my dad had covid, bladder infection, a really bad fall up the back steps - resulting to a broken right humour bone and 3 small fractures in his spine and was wheelchair bound whilst going for treatment for a 7cm cancer mass in his lungs. The lounge room has been his bedroom - up until now.

I can say in regards to his arm he is in weekly physio and walking around more, without the aid of the wheelchair. 
As for the cancer mass it has only shrunk 2mm but is being monited.

The reason of expressing this personal aspect to you all is at times I may have neglecting areas of teaching and deeply apologise for that, moreso I would like to thank parents for checking in and the support and understanding during through most of last term, I truly appreciate it from the bottom of heart - thank you!


While on the topic of parents, I would like to encourage parents to come into the studio during their child(s) lesson(s). Not just for support but also to see what happens during lessons. Furthermore, would love to receive feedback from parents. I have had positive and constructive feedback from those parents who sit in during lessons, which has been encouraging and very helpful.

I don't have other work colleagues to bounce off, so I rely on students progress and parents feedback to do my job as affectively and sufficiently as possible. To work on solutions to issues and grow from experinces, so the studio and lessons can run as smoothly as possible, as everyones lesson time is valuable.

Now for the important ones - the students! 


First off I would like to welcome so many new students to lessons! You have all progress so wonderfully so far, I honestly do not know what you all drink and eat but you all move so fast in your musical journey, I'm so proud of you!


As for exam students, results are coming in and everyone has passed! So proud of you all for working so hard!

There will be changes to the AMEB books as of 2023, students are allowed to pick from different books of the same grade for their songs.  We currently have 5 different book available for songs and instead of students only picking 1 book to use for their song choices, they can pick from all the books and students will be able to purchase their own personalised booklet instead. Scales will also be added into personalised their booklet too. On top of that sightreading, ear tests and general knowledge will all be back for students to learn again since lockdowns.

Also around the studio we have alot of new sign up, one in particular "Did you practice?" To encourage students to do some playing at home and it has been excellent so far, some of the students let me know as we start our lesson!

The scales race wall is back up and flashcards wall, both activity will show competence in area of learning.  

I have made a post on the studios Instagram page for more info -

Finally i will be sending out 2023 enrolments next week.

Everything is now up to date! If there are any questions or issues please contact me or have a chat at the Start of the lesson, I am always happy to chat or discuss whatever needs to be address.

May you all take care and stay safe!
Ms Natalie

Love the music, Feel the Sound at Ivory & Strings Music Studio

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