2023 Enrolment
Hello Parents & Students!
It's that time of the year again, to enrol for lessons in 2023.
What makes it more exciting, the studio will be in it's 10th year!
Before choosing your lesson time for 2023, please choose your instrument by clicking on the link and what is offered in 2023 - https://www.ivoryandstringsmusicstudio.com/instruments-courses
Singing lessons will also be offered, more information will be up in January 2023.
Also to read through the studio policies - https://www.ivoryandstringsmusicstudio.com/studio-policies
Just like the last 2 years, all you need to do, is reply with an SMS.
If you would like to stay at your usual time and instrument, reply with "stay the same"
If you wish to look for other times (see timetable below), please pick 5 lesson spots suitable, with the 1st time being the most preferred.
I do understand many of you have other extra-curricular activities, and as always, patience and co-operation is needed during this time, as enrolments are allocated their chosen times.
Last day to submit an SMS is Saturday 10th December at 6pm.
All SMS's recieved after 6pm on Saturday 10th December will need to pick whatever is left after 17th December.
I will confirm from Monday 12th December - Saturday 17th December for your 2023 lesson time.
Please feel free to contact me for any further information or questions,
Thank you, Natalie
Love the music, feel the sound at Ivory & Strings Music Studio